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WA Subdivision Report

Print a listing of the selected parcels to a CSV file.
The following data columns are in the CSV file.

AEstate Nameblank
EStreet Noblank
IPost Codeblank
JTitle Monthblank
KTitle Yearblank
OCnr LotIndicates this is a Corner lot.
Computed by GS, set to Yes or No
Set to ? if not known.
PLot TypeSet using String attribute or ? if undefined
QLot NoLot number
RAreaArea of the lot in Sq Metres
SPerimeterPerimeter of the Lot in Metres
TFrontageComputed by GS, Lot Frontage/Width or ? if not known
UDepthLot Depth or ? if not known
VLot Priceblank
WRock/Number ofblank
XEasement Alphablank
AASoil Type/Alphablank
ABFront Setbackblank
ACRear Setbackblank
ADFront Setback Garageblank
AERear Setback Single Storeyblank
AFRear Setback Multi Storeyblank
AGLot Batter Heightblank
AHPlan Noblank
AJProjectionProjection from the GS job
AKCentreXLot Centroid Easting
ALCentreYLot Centroid Northing
ARPOS Rear AbuttingFrom Lot String attributes, or ? if undefined
ASIrregular Shape LotComputed by GS (Yes/No)
ATBuilding Envelope Depthblank
AUBuilding Envelope Widthblank

Corner Lot
Indicates that the lot is ona road corner.
FUTURE?? GS will only compute this if the 'Corner Lot' attribute is blank.
FUTURE?? If a lot has a cutoff corner, it is a cornet lot.
Usual Value 'No'.

Lot Type
Set using String attribute or ? if undefined.
Usual value 'Traditional'.

Length of the lot frontage.
GS will only compute the lot frontage if the String Frontage attribute is blank.
GS tags all lot lines which front onto a road (by user specified road layer).
If a lot has only one such line, that is the front, and the length of that line is the road frontage
FUTURE?? If a lot has 2 such lines, the one fronting the wider road is the front
For all other situations, the value will be set to '?'.

Length of lot from the front to the back.
GS will only compute the lot depth if the Depth attribute is blank.
GS computes the Frontage as above and uses the next line on the lot as the depth.
For all other situations, the value will be set to '?'.

Corner Lot
The lot has a 'corner'. (Yes, No)
GeoSurvey will only compute the 'corner lot' if the attribute is blank.
GeoSurvey computes a corner lot if it has one side adjacent to a Truncation, on the Truncations layer.

Irregular Lot
The lot shape is irregular. (Yes, No)
GeoSurvey will only compute the 'irregular lot' if the 'Irregular Lot' attribute is blank.
GeoSurvey computes a lot as Regular if it has <= 5 sides and >= 3 internal angles of 90 degrees (within 1 degree).

Rear/Front Access
The lot has Rear or Front car access. (Front, Rear)
GeoSurvey will only compute the 'Access' if the attribute is blank.
GeoSurvey computes a lot as Rear Access if it is adjacent to a Lane, defined by the Lane layer.